In Which I Consult a Dream Dictionary (Part 3)

Though my waxen wings were singed from the previous affair, like Icarus, I flew onward. I had to be a douche. I had to push the merits of The Dream Dictionary From A to Z (by Theresa Cheung!) to its…

In Which I Consult a Dream Dictionary (Part 2)

Hi there, Plasma Captain again with another look at The Dream Dictionary From A to Z by Theresa Cheung. I’m back with the next installment of the epic journey I took through the world of my dreams last Tuesday. If…

In Which I Consult a Dream Dictionary (Part 1)

Maybe a year or two ago, Ferny bought me this book called The Dream Dictionary From A to Z by Theresa Cheung. I don’t remember if it was for my birthday or Christmas or no particular occasion at all, but…

Halloween Horrors (3 Short Stories)

Author’s Note: These short stories were originally posted on my website two years ago. Since my plans for this week’s article fell through, I’m reposting them on TandemShock for your perusal. Please “enjoy” them. The Bedeviled Box Johnny was a…

Manual Stopping: A Horror Story told In 802 Words

In honor of Halloween, I thought I would share with you something horrendous that happened to me some time ago. I present to you my debut short story that will surely win me a Pulitzer or something. Manual Stopping A…

Your October Reading List

It’s October, or at least it is at the time of this publication. Is it not October for you? Please don’t go. I’m lonely here in the past. Read my article. If you find that it is currently October while…