Game Review: LIMBO

A young boy, perhaps eight to ten years of age, awakens in a dark forest. He runs forth, climbing and exploring, finding a small boat, searching for his sister. Then he steps on a metal trap, which promptly clamps onto…

Game Review: Tembo the Badass Elephant

Hello, everyone. It’s SurpriseEnema (FernGully) with my game spotlight for this week! So, the game up for my spotlight is Tembo the Badass Elephant. Yes, that’s the actual title. I know, it’s pretty freakin’ sweet. Now, Tembo was developed by…

Game Review: Rain

It was a dark-but-not-stormy night when SurpriseEnema told me I should try a certain game because it seemed like something I would like. The game was Rain, a 3D adventure/stealth game for the PS3, made by SCE Japan Studio, back…

Game Review: Shiftlings

Hey, you lot! It’s SurpriseEnema (FernGully) with another game review for you! What game am I jizzing over this week? Well, let me tell you: Shiftlings! Now, I know what you’re thinking, “that title really sounds close to Shitlings” and…

Game Review: Entwined

If you think of a game that uses both of the analog sticks on a PlayStation controller, what immediately comes to mind? Using one stick to walk around and the other stick to turn the camera, right? You almost certainly…

Game Review: Color Guardians

Hey, everyone! SurpriseEnema here with another game review! The game of choice? Color Guardians available on the Playstation 4, PS Vita, and Steam. If you know me by now, which I hope you do, you know that I enjoy a…

Game Review: Brawl

Hey everyone, it’s SurpriseEnema with a new game review! *cries of excitement and panties drop in droves* What is Brawl, you ask? Well… I’ll tell you. This is a new horror-themed party game developed by The Bloober Team, and released…