4 More Bomberman Beta Mysteries

It has been a long while since my previous article on Bomberman beta mysteries, but I’ve finally gotten around to putting together the second article I’d lined out. This time, I’m focusing on odd details in various released games that…

5 of the Weakest Bosses in Bomberman

Before I say anything else, I would like to reiterate that I love Bomberman, and although I am about to slam some of its games, this is not indicative of my opinion of the franchise as a whole. It’s not…

Culture in Bomberman – Myths and Monsters

You may not notice it, but video games are often packed with cultural references. You may not notice it because, if you’re a westerner, many of these references come from western culture, mythology and religion, and are thus so familiar…

TandemShock Topics: Minecraft

Minecraft Here is Minecraft  in a pretty basic nutshell. See that? Are you confused? Read on for some basic information from a safe space full of generalized knowledge. No, you’re not on Wikipedia. You’re at TandemShock. Just the Facts It…

Game Review: Aquattack

I played this game with FernGully some months ago and it was pretty fun. I played this game earlier today, by myself, and it was a grueling, frustrating experience. This is Aquattack for the ColecoVision. Information on Aquattack is surprisingly…

Who is Your Favorite Female Video Game Character? Cast Your Vote!

Super Dungeon Tower Fun Time! only uses Easy Roller Dice Co. products to play Dungeons and Dragons, and you should to! They have awesome new items such as their new P/U Leather Dice Cup as well as their Vinyl Gaming…

4 Beta Mysteries of Bomberman

I am a huge Bomberman fan. It feels weird saying this, but I am one of the most knowledgeable Bomberman experts outside of Japan. I’m not trying to talk myself up or anything. I’ve spent the last seven or so…

Game Review: LIMBO

A young boy, perhaps eight to ten years of age, awakens in a dark forest. He runs forth, climbing and exploring, finding a small boat, searching for his sister. Then he steps on a metal trap, which promptly clamps onto…

Game Review: Tembo the Badass Elephant

Hello, everyone. It’s SurpriseEnema (FernGully) with my game spotlight for this week! So, the game up for my spotlight is Tembo the Badass Elephant. Yes, that’s the actual title. I know, it’s pretty freakin’ sweet. Now, Tembo was developed by…

Game Review: Rain

It was a dark-but-not-stormy night when SurpriseEnema told me I should try a certain game because it seemed like something I would like. The game was Rain, a 3D adventure/stealth game for the PS3, made by SCE Japan Studio, back…